
I’ve been working steadily on the bathroom over the last couple of days, but unfortunately, most of the progress so far is not exciting at all. It’s necessary, but not exciting. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday getting the shower ready for waterproofing, which I hope to do this evening. But that including
On Friday, I shared with y’all about how I was driving myself crazy with indecision, but I thought if I just made myself get started on the master bathroom, a clear plan would probably make itself obvious to me. Well, that exact thing happened. When I woke up on Saturday morning, I was determined not
This post and photos may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Any supplies used may be given to me free of charge, however, all projects and opinions are my own. Do you ever struggle with Cricut